How To Turn On Red Line Spell Check In Word For Mac

Go to File, Options, Proofing. Make sure that 'check spelling as you type' is checked. At the bottom of this list, make sure you have not told Word to ignore spelling errors. If you have previously told Word to ignore spelling in an area of the document, click on 'Check Document' to force Word to check the entire document. Hey, Can anyone tell me how I can turn spell check on in Mac Word so I get the red lines under miss-spelled words? I have looked online and found two solutions - neither or them work for me. Click on the File menu – Options (In Word 2007 it is under Office button – Word Options) Select Proofing options and navigate to When correcting spelling and grammar in Word section. This has a checkbox with label as Check spelling as you type. By checking this field, you can turn on the automatic spell check as you type in Word 2010. By default, Word uses red wavy underlines to indicate spelling errors and green wavy underlines to indicate grammatical errors as you type. If those underlines bother you, you can turn off automatic spelling and grammar checking. To turn off spelling and grammar checking, choose Word→Preferences and click the Spelling and Grammar icon.

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How To Turn On Red Line Spell Check In Word For Mac Os

There are already tutorials for that. The easiest fix is to reset the configuration. Follow the steps described here: resetting your OpenOffice user profile.
Note: reinstalling won't change anything if the profile is not deleted, which is not done automatically when removing the application.
A script has been developed which fixes it automatically without resetting the whole profile: Spell checker 'red wriggly lines' - beta test fix for AOO.

How To Turn On Red Line Spell Check In Word

If no change, then follow this topic:

How To Turn On Red Line Spell Check In Word For Macs

[Troubleshooting] Spell check in OpenOffice.Red
Further information in this topic: [Solved] No dictionary present in OpenOffice.

How To Turn On Red Line Spell Check In Word For Mac Free

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I am using OO with an Australian English dictionary installed and working perfectly. My only gripe is that if I am typing a document it does not automatically have a red wriggly line underneath the incorrectly spelt word and only tells me I have spelling errors when I do spell check. I noticed this only happens when I am using my laptop that runs Ubuntu Hardy, my partner runs another laptop that has XP and has the red wriggly line.
Thanks in advance