Kenneth Jay Vo2max Kettlebell Program
- Kenneth Jay Vo2max Kettlebell Program For Women
- Kenneth Jay Kettlebell
- Kenneth Jay Vo2max Kettlebell Program Template
Questions about Kenneth Jay's call on VO2 max During the call Kenneth mentioned that VO2 max is best reached by using some sort of 'outside resistance' instead of running or biking. He said that he found that Kettlebells and rowing could help increase VO2. Doing some math I realised that if I remove half of the workout - the rest periods - I chop 50% of off the time for the test and also get a better Vo2 max workout as few tests of this nature allow rest and gradually get harder over time such as the treadmill version with a speed increase every 30 or 60 seconds. .sandbagfitnesssystems. Master RKC Kenneth Jay and Sandbag Fitness Systems teamed up for a powerful two day workshop. The kettlebell VO2Max program was covered in detail and Josh Henkin released his High Octane Sandbag Program.
The first thing you have to do is to establish at what snatch cadence you come the closest to eliciting your VO2max. This is done by doing an incremental test that lasts no less than 6 minutes. Basically you just start out very slow and for each minute you increase the cadence. When you have get to the 6th minute you go all out snatching as many times as you can without stopping for at least one minute. The test might look like this but is subject to individual differences:
1st minute: 10 reps left arm
2nd minute: 12 reps right arm
3rd minute 15 reps left arm
4th minute: 17 reps right arm
5th minute: 18 reps left arm
6th minute: 26 reps right arm (all out effort)
The 6th minute reflects your VO2max cadence, hence that will be your interval training tempo. It is very important for the protocol that you continued snatching for the entire 6th minute. (make sure afterwards you balance out the numbers of snatches performed on each side so each side get a total equal amount of work).
In this example the VO2max cadence = 26reps
The interval work/rest time is determined to 36 sec. which is 60% of one min.
In those 36 sec. you need to keep your VO2max cadence = 26reps x 60% = approx. 16 reps.
So the setup is as follows:
VO2max/lactate tolerance and buffering:
Work/rest ratio: 1:1 (36 sec of work separated by 36 sec of rest.)
Number of intervals: at least 10 and the goal is to work up to 17+ sets before you test the SSST.
Number of reps per set: 16 (it is very important NOT to go faster or slower. DO NOT speed up to get more rest- it will ruin what you are trying to do.)
If your hands can take it do this at least twice per week. Only substitute with swings if it is really necessary. The program is based on the specific VO2 kinetics of the snatch not the swing.
The program is very taxing and one should always build up volume slowly.
KJ advocated doing the workout2-3 times a week for ( I beleive) 4-6 weeks before switching to another focus.You should be able to increase max vo2 strongly in that time frame and will notice a big improvement in conditioning on the mat.
Just be carefull not to overtrain! your number of strength and conditioning workouts will be determined by how often you are getting on the mat and ALSO your recovery ability! Ill go over this in another post, for now get snatching and let me know how you go!
p.s.With its origins in the U.S. Secret Service selection process, the rules for the Secret Service Snatch Test (SSST) are simple. You must do as many repetitions of the kettlebell snatch as possible in ten minutes. Using the 24kg kettlebell (ladies, use the 12kg), you may switch hands whenever you’d like and you may even set the bell down. Final count is total sum of snatches, period. The only unspoken rule is that you will not quit. Don’t even think about stopping when the phone rings. You can rest the kb on the deck to keep a lung down.NOTE: Kenneth Jay uses a 16kg kettlebell for his VO2 max protocol for guys, ladies possibly an 8.
p.p.s. Kenneth said that the swings require too much total body tension and subsequent afterload on the heart to elicit a good vo2 max stress. stick with the snatches and the 16 kg unless you are over 200 lbs. the key is that the work is fast and gets your hr to to 95% level it needs to be to get the cardio response you are looking for.
if you just want a killer workout then swings for any number of time/rest ratios are excellent.It has a much more muscularizing effect, as you would expect with a higher level of tension.
The VO2 MAX workout is a killer, but if you are willing to do it regularly, your endurance will improve like nothing else. Body fat will drop off at accelerated rate, and even though this workout is only 40 minutes, it is possible to do it too often (it’s tough).
I learned this protocol from Kenneth Jay, the author of the book “Viking Warrior Conditioning,” and I have done it regularly ever since. I have learned a few tips and tricks that will help you to make this protocol survivable, and something that you can add to your arsenal of challenging workouts.
The beauty of this workout is that you already know how to do ALL the exercises—there’s only ONE!
The Exercise
The Kettlebell Snatch—that’s it! But wait! You most likely have never ever snatched like this before. You will learn that the beauty (and the burden) of it is not the movement or even the weight, it’s the TIMING that will make all the difference.
Less than one percent of all kettlebell trainers have even attempted this level of heart and lung ham-mering that only the truly brave who are willing to leave their ego at the door can master.
What You’ll Need for the VO2 Max Test
This is what you will need to make this brief, brutal workout work for you.
Light Kettlebell | Men-16kg, La-dies-8-10kg.
Timer | Gymboss or a phone app, as long as it enables you to time BOTH work and rest periods. The timer is CRUCIAL, you simply cannot do it without one.
Gloves | I detest wearing gloves to train with, but torn palms are possible without gloves. Fingerless gloves are preferable. I only use gloves for the VO2Max.
Portable Fan | Unless you live in Siberia, you’re going to want a fan handy.
Towel & Water | You’re going to be sweating quite a bit; stay hydrated.
VO2 Test Tips
Use W.A.R. | W.A.R. means “within arm’s reach.” The fan should be in front of you within arm’s reach. The towel and the water MUST be very close to you—not even a single step to reach them, you won’t have time for that. Really, for the duration of this workout there is no need to even move your feet from your snatch position.
Clothing | Wear as little clothing as you are comfortable with because whatever you are wearing will be totally drenched with sweat at the end of the training session. You may choose to stand on a towel as the ground will also be drenched. You might think that I am joking, but I can assure you, you are stepping into deep water filled with sharks with this workout.
What Will You Get from the VO2 Max Test?
I can assure you that even if this is done only ONCE a week, you will soon notice great changes in your stamina, and your body fat levels will drop rapidly.
If you choose to try this in a commercial gym, let the owner know in advance that you will clean up the sweat. Make sure to find an area where you won’t be disturbed or questioned as to why your bell goes off every 15 seconds.
Kenneth Jay Vo2max Kettlebell Program For Women
You will soon see that nobody else trains this way and it may be puzzling to them, but ignore them–you are teaching your system to recuperate in only 15 seconds, and you are on the fast track to great results.
I am Mr. Maceman and most of my training is with a Mace, but I still do the VO2MAX every Monday. If you live in Southern California, I would be happy to put you through it with me. Don’t expect me to talk much, I’ll only have 15 seconds to wipe sweat with a towel, and sip some water and then pick up that bell as I hear that beep!
Kenneth Jay Kettlebell
Are You Ready?
Kenneth Jay Vo2max Kettlebell Program Template
Now that you know what’s coming, give the workout a shot! Click the link below to give it a shot.