Prophetic Training Manual

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  2. Prophetic Training Manual Pdf

“Developing Your Prophetic Gift”
Course One Training Manual

Free Prophetic Training Manual Pdf

  • Dramatic increase in prophetic revelation: Acts 2:17-18 (NLT) “In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on my servants—men.
  • TRAINING MANUAL THE APOSTOLIC/PROPHETIC MODEL By Dudley Daniel and Ian McKellar This document may be duplicated whole, or in part, in any form (written, visual, electronic or audio) without express written permission, providing it is not used for commercial purposes.

The School for Prophecy course one Developing Your Prophetic Gift training manual, is now available to purchase. It contains twelve chapters, one for each of the nine teaching sessions from the standard course plus three more from the extended course.

SKU: practical-prophetic-training-manual Category: Course Manuals. Description Additional information Description. All courses include PDF manual in course pricing. Add this item only if you desire to purchase a printed manual in addition to the included manual in course, additional manuals for multiple students, or you are a Streams Teacher.

It contains two hundred A4 pages and is ring-bound so it can be laid flat during teaching sessions or for personal study. Each chapter contains a chapter summary, teaching section, personal testimony, FAQ’s and pages for study notes. It has a very detailed index so it can also be used as a reference resource.


The course is designed to help you better understand the biblical gift of prophecy, hear more clearly from Father for yourself and others and be able to give and receive prophetic words using biblical principles.

Prophetic Training Manual

Prophetic Training Manual Pdf

“This manual is full of wisdom, truth, principles and values for growing up into all things in Christ. It is packed with practical guidelines that will empower people to study the prophetic in the context of being children of God learning to become mature in the Spirit.” Graham Cooke