Sccm Deployment Waiting For Another Program



In-Place upgrade from Windows 7 SP1 to Windows 10 1803 was working fine and after upgrade to SCCM/MECM 1910 I faced the below issues: 1- Windows 10 In-Place upgrade TS hang and never start - showing 'Waiting for another program' Client - execmgr.log. Checking Account subkeys returned status 0x80070002, returning false. The details are that they are 'Waiting for another program'. I am looking for a way for jump start this system just to drop what it is doing and scan for advertisements. I've tried a few things, like initiating a hard policy reset and even performing a client repair, but that does not seem to help. Frequently waiting for program is caused by the client not being in a boundary served by a distribution point. It's waiting for content, but can't find a DP that its allowed to download content from. Check the IP Address/AD Site/IP subnet and then see if that is in one of your boundaries.

Hope someone can give me some guidance. I am trying to install software However, the status of the installation says 'waiting to apply changes”.under software center - I have rebooted - redeploy the application - update the content. I even recreated the application - but keep getting - installing - Status: 'waiting to apply changes”. Users report that expected Software applications are not being installed. Reports show Advertisements in a “Waiting” state, seemingly indefinite. Distribution Points seem to be taking too long to replicate or update content; Potential Causes ^ Package or Deployment content has not been copied to the required Distribution Point (DP) servers.



This version of Orchestrator has reached the end of support, we recommend you to upgrade to Orchestrator 2019.

Sccm Deployment Waiting For Another Program Using

The Get Deployment Status activity is used to retrieve the status of anapplication, program, task sequence, or software update deploymentassigned to a computer or collection to determine if a softwaredeployment action has completed.

To deploy an application (using the new Configuration Managerapplication model), use the Deploy Application activity. To deploy atask sequence, use the Deploy Task Sequence activity. To deploysoftware updates in an update group, use the Deploy Software Updateactivity. To deploy a legacy application, use the Deploy Programactivity

Get Deployment Status properties

  • Deployment Type: The type of deployment for which you want to retrieve information. Options are:
    • Application
    • Program
    • Task Sequence
    • Software Update
  • Filters: Filters available are dependent on the type of deployment selected. Filters modify the query sent to Configuration Manager so that the data returned to Orchestrator is already limited to desired results. This improves performance over returning all data and filtering at the Orchestrator server.

To add new filter criteria:

  1. Click Add and select the property on which to filter.

  2. Select a Relation and then enter a value for the filter.

    The type of relation value available will depend on the data type of the property selected.

Get Deployment Status published data

The following values are published in addition to the input valuesabove:

ConnectionSpecifies the name of the connection to the Configuration Manager server
Result CountThe number of values returned by the query
Sccm deployment waiting for another program for free

The following list describes the Published Data for the availableDeployment Types.

Program or task sequence

Sccm Operating System Deployment Guide

  • AdvertisementID ID of the advertisement (deployment)
  • LastAcceptanceMessageID Last acceptance status message ID
  • LastAcceptanceMessageIDName Short description of the last acceptance status message
  • LastAcceptanceMessageIDSeverity
    • Error: 3221225472
    • Warning: 2147483648
    • Informational: 1073741824
  • LastAcceptanceState Numeric category of the last acceptance status message
  • LastAcceptanceStateName Short description of the acceptance category
  • LastAcceptanceStatusTime Date and time, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), when the last acceptance message was generated
  • LastExecutionContext User context (account) under which the program ran
  • LastExecutionResult Last string returned by a status Management Information Format (MIF) file (messages 10007 and 10009) or an error return code (10006)
  • LastState Numeric category of the last delivery status message
  • LastStateName Short description of the delivery category, including:
    • Accepted – No Further Status
    • Succeeded
    • Failed
    • Waiting
    • No Status
  • LastStatusMessageID Last delivery status message ID
  • LastStatusMessageIDName Short description of the last delivery status message.
  • LastStatusMessageIDSeverity
    • Error: 3221225472
    • Warning: 2147483648
    • Informational: 1073741824
  • LastStatusTime Date and time, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), when the last delivery message was generated
  • ResourceID Resource ID of the device


  • AppCI Application CI
  • AppName The name of the application
  • AppStatusType App status type
  • AssignmentID ID of the advertisement (deployment)
  • AssignmentUniqueID GUID of the application
  • CollectionID ID of the collection this resource belongs to
  • CollectionName The name of the collection
  • ComplianceState The compliance state for the configuration item.
  • DTCI The ID of the Deployment Type used in this deployment
  • DTModelID The ID of the Deployment Type Model
  • DTName The name of the Deployment Type used for this deployment
  • DTResultID Deployment Type Result ID
  • DeploymentIntent 0 = Required, 1 = Available
  • EnforcementState The enforcement state. Possible values are:
    • Enforcement State Unknown
    • Enforcement Started
    • Enforcement waiting for content
    • Waiting for another installation to complete
    • Waiting for maintenance window before installing
    • Restart required before installing
    • General failure
    • Pending installation
    • Installing update
    • Pending system restart
    • Successfully installed update
    • Failed to install update
    • Downloading update
    • Downloaded update
    • Failed to download update
  • ExtendedInfoDescriptionID Extended information description ID
  • ExtendedInfoID Extended information ID
  • IsMachineAssignedToUser True or False. True if the machine is assigned to a user.
  • IsMachineChangesPersisted True or False. True if the virtual machine changes are persisted.
  • IsVM True or False. True if this is a virtual machine.
  • MachineID Resource ID of the device
  • MachineName Name of the device
  • PolicyModelID Policy model ID
  • Revision Revision number of the deployment
  • StartTime Deployment time
  • StatusType Status type:
    • Success
    • In Progress
    • Unknown
    • Error
  • Technology The deployment technology type, such as:
    • Windows Installer
    • App-V
    • Script
    • Nokia
  • UpdateState Update State
  • UserName User name
  • VMHostName If the device is a virtual machine, the name of the host for the VM

Software update

Sccm Deployment Waiting For Another Program For Free

AssignmentIDID of the advertisement (deployment)
AssignmentNameName of the advertisement (deployment)
AssignmentUniqueIDGUID of the application
CollectionIDID of the collection this resource belongs to
CollectionNameThe name of the collection
DeviceNameName of the device where the update is targeted
IsCompliantTrue or False
IsMachineAssignedToUserTrue or False. True if the machine is assigned to a user.
IsMachineChangesPersistedTrue or False. True if the virtual machine changes are persisted.
IsVMTrue or False. True if this is a virtual machine.
LastComplianceMessageDescLast Compliance Message Description
LastComplianceMessageIDLast Compliance Message ID
LastComplianceMessageTimeLast Compliance Message Time
LastEnforcementErrorCodeLast Enforcement Error Code
LastEnforcementErrorIDLast Enforcement Error ID
LastEnforcementErrorTimeLast Enforcement Error Time
LastEnforcementMessageDescLast Enforcement Message Description
LastEnforcementMessageIDLast Enforcement Message ID
LastEnforcementMessageTimeLast Enforcement Message Time
Resource IDResource ID of the device
StatusDescriptionStatus description
StatusEnforcementStateAdditional enforcement state for progress and error status (0 for others).
StatusErrorCodeAdditional error code for error status (0 for others)
StatusTimeStatus time
StatusTypeStatus type
UserIDUser ID
VMHostNameIf the device is a virtual machine, the name of the host for the VM

Configuring the Get Deployment Status activity

  1. From the Activities pane, drag a Get Deployment Statusactivity to the active runbook.
  2. Double-click the Get Deployment Status activity icon. TheProperties dialog box opens.
  3. Configuring the Details tab:
    1. In the Connection section, click the ellipsis button(...), and then select the Configuration Manager serverconnection that you want to use for this activity. Click OK.

    2. In the Fields section, enter a value for each of therequired properties. If the property is Lookup-enabled, you canclick the ellipsis (...) button next to the text box to browsefor a value.

      You can also use published data to automatically populate thevalue of the property from the data output by a previousactivity in the runbook.

  4. Click Finish.
How does one determine which piece of content is missing from a DP when a task sequence doesn't execute with a 'Waiting for Content' status? We deployed a task sequence with several (lots) of packages/applications associated with it, and all the PC's at one particular location did not run due to the missing content. I ended up redistributing each package and was able to resolve the issue, but my question is how could I have made this easier on myself to find just the one that it thought it was missing or corrupted? I'm 100% confident all the content had already been distributed to the DP, so I know something wasn't inadvertently missed. Any help would be appreciated.